Ms. Voo Choon Ling

Group Managing Director

Woodlands Transport

Woodlands Transport Group of Companies recognizes and accept its responsibility to provide a safety and healthy work environment for its employees and others (contractors, visitors and members of public) that may be affected by its work.

The Group will undertake to comply with all applicable safety and health and other requirements to achieve zero penalties from governing authorities. The company will ensure that resources are made available during planning and work practices to provide reasonably practicable means to eliminate hazards and reduce safety and health risks for prevention of work-related injury and ill health to its employees, others (contractors, visitors, and members of public) and any risk of damage to its property which may arise from the company’s work activities in order to eliminate workplace fatality and achieve zero workplace fatality.

The Group strives to provide healthy and safety workplaces by putting in place a strong safety programme and learning to promote awareness of all employees in safety and health, mental well-being and handling of pandemic situations. The company conducts comprehensive risk managements for all the operational process to reduce injuries and illness among the employees including pandemic time.

The Group will eliminate and minimize safety and health risks, and terror threats to our staffs and the public by ensuring adequate control measures are established and implemented on all the operational activities. We will work with contractors and suppliers to embrace the SG Secure movement. We value the safety and security of our employees, visitors and customers and are committed to mitigate risks, including those posed by terrorism, by preparing our employees and protecting our workplace.

The Group provides suitable communication and feedback platform to encourage consultation and participations of employees by appointment of worker representatives in the respective departments for them bringing up any safety and health matters from the workers in the respective departments to management during the safety and health committee meeting.

The Group ensure every individual work as a team to ensure constant continual improvement of safety and health performances and practices by using Occupational Safety and Health Management System as a tool and periodic review of the risk management implementations.